Mentoring in the Middle: books to read
Whether you are in your classroom with strategically placed desks or teaching remotely this Fall, a tool you're going to want to take ad...
If you're an upper elementary or middle school teacher, you've most likely heard of Alan Gratz, the author of Refugee, Grenade, Proj...
It's summer and your kids say they don't want to read.  "Reading is boring.  I did that at school!  I want to take a break!&quo...
These three books...each one so different from the other...and yet, the resourcefulness and persistence each protagonist shows in her cir...
Hey friends,  This is going to seem ridiculously contradictory.  A white woman recommends three diverse books without having read a sin...
Do your students love the fast-paced energy of Mr. Lemoncello's Library books?  Put this newer series, Book Scavenger , by Jennifer Ch...
Fans of Percy Jackson will be happy with the  Rick Riordan Presents  series. Written about underrepresented cultures in literature, these...
Middle School and High School teachers:  this is one of my favorite books.  I could not put it down! This book fictionalizes a real ev...
From the kitchen came a piercing scream. The green colored pencil slipped, streaking across the almost-finished portrait of a lizard Jai...
In the Darfur region of Sudan, Amira wakes up on her twelfth birthday and  Our village glistens, greets me with a wink that shine...
My first year of teaching was 2001.  I was in my third week of school when the planes hit the World Trade Center, and my principal came to...