Mentoring in the Middle
I love project-based learning!  It's fun to see kids get jazzed up about a topic and collaborate well (or not) with other students.  M...
You know what to do!  Shop TpT and put in the promo code when you get ready to check out.  You'll get 25% off of any products in my ...
Like many of you, I work with small groups of students in Reading, helping to get them to comprehend materials at grade level.  One of t...
Have you read Refugee?  This is one of my all-time favorite books and it captured my students in a way that great books do.  Watch this v...
Photo by  Luca Zanon  on  Unsplash How does your personality determine your sleep position? Why is there more gun violence in Chicago ...
This is a great time for teachers in the world of literature and narrative nonfiction.  There are so many good books to choose from!  ...
Take advantage of the Cyber sale Monday and Tuesday to save 20% off all of my products, and many of those in other stores, as well.  Use...
Students are smarter than we think.  They know us. Better than we think they do. In the past few weeks, I've had conversations wit...
Learning how to use clues to determine the meaning of unfamiliar words seems like it should be pretty easy.  I mean, authors often provi...
When you open some books, you just read and read.  Some books, you put down.  And for others, you grab a notebook and start jotting down sen...
Yes, yes, oh dear heavens, yes!  And not just because I'm old.  But because, in our interest to get kids writing about interesting thi...
One of the first products I created was this novel study.  Oh, boy, did it need an update!  With a lot more reading comprehension skills a...
Late last spring, I read the first Michael Vey book, The Prisoner of Cell 25  to one of my classes.  This Science Fiction series never f...
Way, way, way back in the day when I was in first grade, we switched seats one day and I was placed next to Michael.  Michael had polio, ...
What if students decided where the furniture should go in your room?  Could you give up control and let them decide?  Come along for a rid...