So, I'm going in the other direction today and sharing a bunch of memes about wearing masks in 2020. I hope you get a chuckle out of some of these as much as I do.
If you want to see my "Covid-19 as it relates to teacher memes" post, click here.
Why is this one so hard for folks?
Got a chuckle out of this one. Yeah, gotta do it.
"Nuff said.
Even the famous lions, Patience and Fortitude, outside the New York Public Library wear masks. As do a number of other statues around the country.
That's one way to insist on it! Although, just like in school, somebody will want to test the boundaries!
Someone's having fun with this (and does a great job of capturing Freddie Mercury!)
Sometimes we have to differentiate outside of the classroom, too.
This just cracked me up. And who knows? It might work!
I gotta admit. I could totally see myself doing this. |
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