Have you been to all 50 states? I've taken road trips to 35-40 states and I'm always blown away by the majesty of states that look so different from the one I live in. Animals and plants that are commonplace to you are exotic to me!
I wanted to generate that level of excitement when I had my students explore road trip activities as they traveled across the U.S. virtually, and it amused me that, when working without a budget, students were really big spenders.
Give them a budget and suddenly all the national and state parks were being explored. And the students were wowed by what they found! Which made my heart very happy.
What I created
I created a Plan a Road Trip PBL for them to explore the United States. Students were assigned a state, and with a vacation budget, they planned a 2-week trip from our school to the state to which they were assigned. They could stop along the way to see other national or state sites, but they had to figure out costs for visiting sites, their food, and hotels along the way.
- Don't have the time to create your own exploration? Take a look at the resource here, and see if it would work for your students. I promise they'll have a great time working on it!
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