Linking up with Five for Friday | Mentoring in the Middle

Linking up with Five for Friday

It's been a while since I linked up with Kacey from Doodlebugs Teaching and her Five for Friday linky party, but I've been pretty busy this past week and wanted to share some things with you.
I created this new product for our Reading series, McGraw-Hill's Wonders series, and I'm wondering why this didn't occur to me SOOO much sooner.  When we have Reading meetings, we're constantly going back into our Teacher Guides to look at Essential Questions, skills, strategies, etc.  So I created labels, which I've shared with my colleagues, to put right on file folders.  Everything you need is there, in one quick glance.  Plus, I just print out a paper copy and that's my "cheat sheet" for our meetings,
They're a little hard to see, but they have everything you need, all in one spot: Essential Question, Vocabulary, Reading Strategies and Reading Skills.  I'm still patting myself on the back for this one:) - a simple, but really helpful solution for someone who's often putting papers in piles to be filed away.  At a later time!

If you teach the McGraw-Hill Wonders series and would like these for sixth grade, they're available from my TpT store.
I blogged earlier this week in the Make Your Masterpiece linky (TpT seller week #3)
about how I'd worked on the Making Observations, Inferences, and Predictions bundle for a long time, changing things that students didn't understand until I felt like I had a good product.  My product is for 5th - 8th graders.  A couple of teachers asked me to make a similar product for younger grades, so that's what I was busy doing yesterday.  This one is for 2nd - 4th grades. It's not up on my store yet, but I hope to have it there in the next few days if you're interested.
I got to visit with my lovely sister and her family this past weekend, and stayed over Sunday night so that I could head into Washington, D.C. on Monday.   I've been offered the opportunity to have dual citizenship with Austria, the country of both of my parents' birth, and I'm chugging along getting all of the documentation in order.  I've learned more about government offices this summer than I ever dreamed I'd know.  And almost all of the people I've met have been terrifically helpful!
I've always been a healthy eater, I think because for the most part, I really enjoy cooking and playing around in the kitchen.  For the past year, I've been focusing on (mostly) eliminating wheat from my diet.  Lots of reasons, but my main one is to keep Type 2 Diabetes, which runs in my family, away.  My goal this summer is to come up with a bunch of good "Teacher Breakfasts"!  Those go-to meals that don't take a ton of time to prepare.  This one doesn't look pretty, but boy oh boy, is it good and filling!
This will definitely be in the lineup for Fall!

No pictures yet, but today I get to visit with some friends I've known for a long, long time.  We all worked together when we were in our early 20's and have stayed in touch, getting together a couple of times a year.  Can't wait to see my buds who've stayed together through all of life's challenges!

Have a great weekend, everyone!


  1. Dual citizenship, how cool! And what is the breakfast in the picture? I hope that you share some of your "teacher breakfast" ideas!



    1. Hi Julie,
      Sorry! I forgot the details! It's a combination of unsweetened coconut, flax and chia seeds and nut butter. Sounds weird but it's really delicious! Let me know if you want the recipe! Kim, from Stuck in the Middle, and I started a linky that you're welcome to join if you want to add your own healthy breakfast recipe!
