A Great Reading Game to Play With Your Students | Mentoring in the Middle

A Great Reading Game to Play With Your Students

I came across a reading game the other day that I had to try with my students.  It came from an article by The Book Sommelier about playing "Game of Quotes."  You can read her post here.  

In her previous post, she laid out all the reasons why reading logs and keeping track of reading wasn't worthwhile.  And then she showed how, in one easy and VERY fun game, you could tell if your students were reading.  

I decided to try it with my students the next day.  They LOVED it!  

Here's the gist of the game

  1. Let students read silently for a while (I gave my sixth graders about 10-15 minutes.)  
  2. Show them the first slide
  3. They need to come up with a response to that slide
  4. I put them quickly into groups of 4-5 (my kids were sitting around my room)
  5. They told each other the response
  6. When I counted "3,2,1" they had to point to the person whose response best fit the slide
  7. Those kids shared the name of their book and their quote

The Benefits?

  • Kids read with little more intentionally
  • They hear fun quotes from other books and want to learn more
  • They want to keep playing, which means they want to keep reading
  • There's a LOT of laughter in the room
Try it out!  I liked it so much that I bought the game to play with my family!  Scholastic has a younger (grades 1-6) version of it, too.

Have a great week!

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