"I like Percy Jackson but that's it."
"I don't like myths or fables.
“Really? What if you could write your own? ”
That conversation started a creative close-to-the-end-of-the-year project that turned out to be a lot of fun. It produced a wonderful writing sample for me, students had a lot of choices, and they had to get descriptive, learning the facts about natural events as they tried to create fiction around them.
I provided them with guidelines and graphic organizers, and they presented their original nature myths to the class. Some were in costume. Others created the god/goddess/supernatural creature. Some created movies. Others performed.
You know how some kids feel about writing? Do they groan every time you mention it? (Okay, maybe just for text-dependent analysis.) They really enjoyed this!
They had created a myth with a developed plotline that had character development and resolved the conflict in a way that made sense. Well done by them! They used this Mythology Writing Unit to do it.
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