Now, some background information. Several years ago, our sixth grade went to teams of three. Which is really cool on a lot of levels. But it means that I teach 75-80 kids. I know, I know, middle and high school teachers who teach over 100 students are finding it hard to muster up any empathy. But for me, that's a lot. If I were queen of the world, I'd teach between 25 and 40 (yeah, you do the math).
So my reading inventories, which were chock full of information, are just TOO long and hard to keep track of, for three classes of kiddos. So, I created a new survey today. I owe a lot of thanks to Nancy Atwell, Laura Robb, Donalynn Miller, and a bunch of other people who's books I've read and been touched by. Here's the finished product. It's available at TpT and TN, and best of all, it's FREE!

If you decide you can use it, please feel free to follow me and/or post a comment!
This is great. I definitely will have to come back and use this next year! Thanks for sharing!
Sixth Grade Tales
Following and borrowing, thanks! :)
Creating Lifelong Learners
Thanks for stopping by my blog. I'm now following you on Bloglovin too.:) How many iPads are you getting? Will you be 1:1? That is very exciting!
iTeach 1:1
We're not sure yet, but there will be enough for a class. I just don't know how many teachers I'll have to share it with yet - either my two partners or my partners and another team of three.