Over 2000 books read this year in sixth grade! | Mentoring in the Middle

Over 2000 books read this year in sixth grade!

Don't look at how I've taken my borders down or that the paper is ripped.  Yes, I'm moving and this was posted on the second-to-last day of school.

Instead, look at how many books 78 students read this year!  That's an average of almost 26 books per student!  Students keep track all year of the books they've read and the ones they've tried and quit - book title, author, genre, and rating if they finish it.  It helps me know how to guide them when they want help picking a new book.  Periodically, I check their reading logs to make sure they're keeping them up-to-date.  Every time I do that, I end up handing out another log or two to a disorganized kiddo whose lost his (in sixth grade, it's usually boys who lose them.)

And then, at the end of the year, we count books in each genre and tally the results.  A student made the poster and we counted class by class.  I was very pleased with how many books they read, and pretty pleased with the distribution among genres.  I'm going to have to encourage more poetry reading next year, but that won't be hard to do with some good collections.

I'm thinking that I want to require reading in each of the genres next year, with a minimum that they have to read (maybe one or two per genre) and then some free choices.  Still playing around with that.  

Do you have any requirements like that?  Share, please!

Have a good Friday!


  1. I love this idea! I will have to try this next year. What a cool thing for the kids to see.

    Hunter's Tales from Teaching

    That is so impressive!
    BTW, I didn't notice anything about that bulletin board except the number of books!

    Finding JOY in 6th Grade

  3. Love this!:) I use a "Facebook" wall where kids update their new book statuses by decorating an index card with the title of their new books. They save these each time they update their status! We counted them this week and they were so excited! I can see how this board would be very motivating. Thanks for sharing. :)
    Brandee @ Creating Lifelong Learners
