August and all that that means! | Mentoring in the Middle

August and all that that means!

I've been away on vacation - there's nothing like hanging out at the beach to restore me.  That or being under a really huge, leafy tree.  That one does my soul some good, too.

August is here, and as teachers, we all know what that means.  A little dread (I have to get up...when?!) A little excitement (new faces, new attitudes) and a little nervousness (will I remember everything I want to do this year?)  But it also means that Farley, wonderful woman that she is, has a new Currently for us.  Bless her heart.  It is fun to do these each month.  And best of all, she remembers to post them on time each month!
I've had a lot of fun the last couple of days.  I came home from vacation with two of our three young adult children, and we had a blast.  We just chilled and laughed and ate and laughed some more.

And then I got to see some girlfriends that I've known for almost thirty years, and the next day some college friends that I've known for even longer!

I saw a poster - plain black text on white paper - that I loved.  And I want to "fun it up" a little.  Here's what it said:               Let's eat Grandpa.
                              Let's eat, Grandpa.
                 Correct punctuation can save a person's life.

On the down side, I tend to put on a few pounds as I come into the end of the year.  And then, with more time to rest over the summer, and more time to run or walk, I usually take it off.  But this summer, I've been a woman on a mission.  Eat all the desserts!  Have some chips!  WHAT IS GOING ON HERE?  So, now I need to get out the door.  I don't make myself crazy about this stuff, really.  I just like it when my clothes don't feel tight around my waist.

I'm slowly starting to comprehend that if I don't get my classroom unpacked, no one else will do it for me. They'll finish cleaning tomorrow.  And I need to get in there next week.   I'm eager to see my class list!

And finally, I read an article in the paper the other day that said that most of us don't get enough sleep.  Our bodies need 7 1/2 - 8 1/2 hours of sleep a night.  Are you getting that?  I want to try harder to get closer.

And, on that note, off to bed I go!


  1. I've done great getting that much sleep (at least!) this summer, but I haven't done it by getting up at my school year usual 5am. I've had to start setting my alarm to make those first few days back less painful. SO glad you linked up for Currently so I could check out your blog


  2. I'm so excited for school to start but I know those early mornings are going to be so hard!! As long as I've tried to change my sleeping habits, I always stay up way too late for my 5am alarm. Maybe this year will be better..? Good luck to you!

  3. You make me laugh!!! I started running last year and lost over 30 pounds. Went from 162 to 128. Now I'm up to 138. And it's in the shape of ICE CREAM and YOGURT!!!!!!!OMG! Of course, I type this as I'm eating popcorn. At midnight. :)

    Good luck with your classroom. I've been working in mine, but still have lots I want to do!!

