Mentoring in the Middle
There are so many books I want to talk about, but I don't know if I have the energy to write about new books right now.  I have so many...
Almost a month into distance learning and I'm still learning what my students can and can't do.  Last week, I found myself like this...
"I finished my book and I don't have anything else good to read."  "I don't know what to read next." Now that...
Are you feeling like this with distance learning? Only there are so many "things" that you don't know where to turn? U...
Have you been using Zoom this week to talk with your colleagues and your students?  I know I have, to the point where I realize that some da...
Teachers are pretty darn amazing! For most of us, Friday, March 13th was a pretty normal morning.  Well, except that it was Friday the 1...
I could see it in their eyes.  Yeah, Johannes Gutenberg created the movable type printing press.  So what?  We have internet, yawn. How ...